Christmas at DePaul
In December 2007, DePaul University began a new tradition of celebrating the Christmas season with a musical re-telling of the Christmas story. The intention behind Christmas at DePaul was to celebrate this joyous season while ministering to those in need. No admission was charged. Instead, a donation to one of the St. Vincent de Paul parish-sponsored charities was requested in its place.
The production was a collaborative effort between DePaul’s School of Music and Theatre School, and featured the DePaul Community Chorus, the Providence St. Mel Choir, members of the DePaul University Singers, and a 50-piece DePaul student orchestra.
Since then Christmas at DePaul concerts have become a yearly tradition. Each year is a student selected from The Theatre School to narrate the sacred story. Selections of familiar and classic music are performed by the DePaul Community Chorus and a orchestra of students from the School of Music, providing a joyful score to this passionate retelling of Jesus’ birth.
Reserve a space on your calendar this December for what’s sure to be a highlight of your Christmas season, then visit the Christmas at DePaul web page for tickets and information.